
Aug 27- Sep 06, 2020

PhD. Students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will participate at the summer campus NISC2020 on embedded microcontrollers.

Jul 13-17, 2020

PhD. Students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will participate at OSA Advanced Photonics Congress

Jun 01-Jul 01, 2020

Giovanni Niro will present his work “ Niro, G., Marasco, I., Rizzi, F., D’Orazio, A., De Vittorio, M., Grande, M., Design of a surface acoustic wave resonator for sensing platforms” at the MeMeA conference in Bari.

Apr 15, 2020

Ilaria Marasco published her work “ Marasco, I., Niro, G., Lamanna, L., Piro, L., Guido, F., Algieri, L., Mastronardi, V.M., Qualtieri, A., Scarpa, E., Desmaële, D., Rizzi, F., D’Orazio, A., De Vittorio, M., Grande, M.Compact and flexible meander antenna for Surface Acoustic Wave sensors (2020) Microelectronic Engineering, 227, art. no. 111322.”

Jan 27-31, 2020

PhD. Students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will participate at the Winter school “Mathematics for Engineering Applications” held in Bari.

Dec 02-04, 2019

PhD. Students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will be together with Marco Grande at the 5G PhD. SCHOOL held in ROMA

Nov 04, 2019

 Nano Dimension's DragonFly LDM Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will follow a technical training on the new multimaterial 3d printer Nano Dimension’s DragonFly LDM

Nov 01, 2019

NPEG labs is enriched with two PhD. Students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco.

Oct 17, 2019

Master students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco will discuss their master theses entitled “” and “”

Sep 01, 2019

The Mater student Ilaria Marasco published a poster “Fabrication of a flexible meander antenna for SAW remote sensing applications” which will be presented during the Micro and Nano technology 2019 conference at Rodi (GRE)

Jul 05, 2019

Master students Giovanni Niro and Ilaria Marasco has started their tranship about microelectronics fabrication techniques at Istituto italiano di Tecnologia, CBN section, sited at Arnesano (LE).

June 17-19, 2019

Marco Grande and Antonella D’Orazio have organized the Special Session “Integrated Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Graphene-based Devices” at PIERS2019 in Rome. The aim of this session is to share the latest results in the framework of integrated nano-photonics, plasmonics, and graphene-based devices that operate at both microwave and optical frequencies. The special session topics include: photonic crystals, nanophotonic cavities for innovative lasers, integrated optical trapping, plasmonics for optogenetics, nano-photonic and plasmonic devices for nonlinear optics, integrated modulators, optically transparent graphene-based microwave devices (absorbers, antennas, filters).

Preliminary List of (confirmed) Invited Speakers:

Dr. Michael Scalora (Charles M. Bowden Research Facility AMRDEC, US Army RDECOM)

Prof. Crina Cojocaru (Universitet Politecnica De Catalunya)

Dr. Abdul Shakoor (University of Southampton, UK)

Dr. Giuseppe Valerio Bianco (CNR-NANOTEC, Italy)

Prof. Massimo De Vittorio (IIT-CBN, Italy)

Prof. Domenico de Ceglia (University of Padova, Italy)

April 16, 2019

Dr Luca Santamaria from University Cote d’Azur, CNRS, France will give the talk “Reconfigurable Antenna Systems for Dynamic Wireless IoT Networks”.

The article “Towards Portable Nanophotonic Sensors” by Abdul Shakoor, James Grant, Marco Grande, David. R. S. Cumming has been published in Sensors as part of the Special Issue Optical Chemical Nanosensors and is available online:,

April 4, 2019

Dr. Badrul Alam will visit the Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, for research collaboration on optical wireless networks

April 2, 2019

The paper “Reconfigurable and optically transparent microwave absorbers based on deep eutectic solvent gated graphene” has been published in Scientific Report and is available online:

March 28, 2019

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin will give the talk “Intellectual techniques in electromagnetics: applications for sensors and practical examples”.

March 27, 2019

Prof. Mikhail Morozov will give the talk “Two-dimensional materials: synthesis and applications for electronic devices”.

March 22, 2019

Prof. Mikhail Morozov will give the talk “Synthesis and characterization of nickel micro- and nanowires for rechargeable batteries”.

March 21, 2019

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin will give the talk “Intellectual techniques in modern microwave applications”.

March 20-29, 2019

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin, Dr Timur Ayupov, Prof. Mikhail Morozov and Prof. Irek Nizameyev from Kazan National Research Technical University will visit our labs at Politecnico in Bari and Taranto in the framework of the Erasmus+.

March 19, 2019

The paper “Reconfigurable and optically transparent microwave absorbers based on deep eutectic solvent gated graphene” by Marco Grande, Giuseppe Valerio Bianco, Filippo Maria Perna, Vito Capriati, Pio Capezzuto, Michael Scalora, Giovanni Bruno, Antonella D’Orazio has been accepted for publication in Scientific Report.

November 1, 2018

Welcome to Ahsan Noor, PhD student of XXXIV cycle of Electrical and Information Engineering PhD Course. His PhD research theme is: “Design of plasmonic devices for nonlinear optics applications”. His tutors are Prof. Antonella D’Orazio and Dr Cristian Ciraci, Tenure-Track Researcher from Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies (CBN) Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT).

November 1, 2018

Welcome to Muhammad Fayyaz Kashif, PhD student of XXXIV cycle of Electrical and Information Engineering PhD Course. His research theme is: “Design and characterization of resonant devices for optical and microwave applications”. His tutor is Dr Marco Grande.

October 17, 2018

The paper “Ray Tracing Modeling of Electromagnetic Propagation for On-Chip Wireless Optical Communications” by Franco Fuschini, Marina Barbiroli, Marco Zoli, Gaetano Bellanca, Giovanna Calò, Paolo Bassi and Vincenzo Petruzzelli, has been published in Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications.

October 14, 2018

The paper “Array of plasmonic Vivaldi antennas coupled to silicon waveguides for Wireless Networks through on-chip Optical Technology – WiNOT” by Giovanna Calo, Gaetano Bellanca, Badrul Alam, Ali Emre Kaplan, Paolo Bassi, Vincenzo Petruzzelli, has been published in Optics Express.

October 2, 2018

Giovanna Calò will give the talk “Integrated plasmonic antenna arrays for on chip wireless communication”, at D-Photon 2018, Bari, Italy

October 1, 2018

Giovanna Calò will give the Invited talk “Effective Tweezing of Subwavelength Particles in Integrated Plasmonic Dimers”, at D-Photon 2018, Bari, Italy

September 21, 2018

Dr Giovanni Magno from Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, Université Paris-Sud , will give the talk titled “Dielectric and plasmonic metasurfaces and applications: self-guiding, optical tweezers, holography”

September 16-22, 2018

Béatrice Dagens, Aurore Ecarnot, Giovanni Magno, Vy Yam will visit our labs in the framework of the project Galileo 2018 “Selective nanotweezers based on integrated plasmonic resonators for environmental monitoring”

September 3-6, 2018

Prof. Antonella D’Orazio will attend to the RiNEm 2018 in Cagliari (Italy).

July 2, 2018

Dr. B.Alam will give the Invited talk “On-chip wireless optical communication: from antenna design to channel modelling”, at ICTON 2018, Bucharest (Romania).

July 2018

Dr Michael Scalora from Charles M. Bowden Research Center, RDECOM, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama will visit our labs.

July 2, 2018

Dr Marco Grande will give the invited talk “Graphene for optically transparent telecommunication devices”, at ICTON 2018, Bucharest (Romania).

June 26, 2018

The paper “Amplitude and phase modulation in microwave ring resonators by doped CVD graphene” by M Grande, G V Bianco, P Capezzuto, V Petruzzelli, F Prudenzano, M Scalora, G Bruno and A D’Orazio has been published in Nanotechnology.

June 13, 2018

The paper “Optically transparent wideband CVD graphene-based microwave antennas” has been chosen by the Editors of Applied Physics Letters to be promoted as an Editor’s Pick.

May 16, 2018

Dr. William Whelan-Curtin will give the talk “Photonic Crystals for Optical Interconnects”.

May 15-16, 2018

Dr. William Whelan-Curtin (Liam O’Faolain) from Cork Institute of Technology will visit our labs at Politecnico in Bari to discuss the joint activities on photonic crystal based optical cavities and future cooperation.

May 6-19, 2018

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin and Dr Timur Ayupov from Kazan National Research Technical University will visit our labs at Politecnico in Bari and Taranto in the framework of the Erasmus+.

May 14, 2018

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin will give the talk “ Ultra wide band antennas”.

May 9, 2018

Prof. Aidar Nasybullin will give the talk “Modern Microwave Technologies”.

April 2, 2018

Dr Badrul Alam will join to nPEG to develop a research activity titled “Design, fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nano-antennas for wireless on-chip optical communications”, (research contract april 24, 2018 -april 23 2019.

March 26-30, 2018

Dr. Marco Grande will visit Kazan University in the framework of Erasmus+.

February 15, 2018

The PhD student Artem Vorobev from Kazan National Research Technical University will spend a few months (March-July 2018) in our labs to perform a research on the optical and microwave characteristics of different olive oils in order to define a new approach to detect and identify difference between complex fluids.

January 16 – February 24, 2018

Dr Giovanna Calò will spend a research period at C2N – Centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology- CNRS – Université Paris-Sud

December 2017

Dr Marco Grande and Dr Giuseppe V Bianco will visit the Charles M. Bowden Research Center, RDECOM, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, and will deliver two invited talks.

July 4, 2017

Dr Marco Grande will give the invited talk “Engineered graphene for optically transparent microwave devices”, at ICTON 2017, Girona (Spain).

July 4, 2017

Prof. Petruzzelli will be chairman of the Technical session “Sub-wavelength Photonics V” at ICTON 2017, Girona (Spain).

July 3, 2017

Prof. Petruzzelli will give the Invited talk “Coupling between Si-waveguides and plasmonic antennas for optical networks on chip”, at ICTON 2017, Girona (Spain).

June 29 – July 31, 2017

Dr Giovanna Calò will spend a research period at C2N – Centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology- CNRS – Université Paris-Sud,  funded by the program « Rayonnement International » 2017 du LabEx NanoSaclay

January 16 – February 24, 2017

Dr Giovanna Calò will spend a research period at C2N – Centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology- CNRS – Université Paris-Sud, funded by the program Galileo 2018 “Selective nanotweezers based on integrated plasmonic resonators for environmental monitoring”.

September 22, 2016

Dr Grande will be chairman of the technical section “Chalcogenide Photonics”, at Energy, Materials, Nanotechnology, EMN Meeting on Photonics, Barcellona – Spain.

September 20, 2016

The project “Wireless Networks through on-chip Optical Technology – WiNOT” has been funded by MIUR , PRIN 2015 Research Units are  Politecnico di Bar (National Principal Investigator Prof. Vincenzo Petruzzelli), Università di Bologna (P.I. Prof. Franco Fuschini), Università di Ferrara (P.I. Prof. Velio Tralli)  e Research Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies of IIT di Lecce (P.I. dr Tiziana Stomeo).

July 12, 2016

Dr Marco Grande will give the invited talk “Graphene based devices: a platform for high frequency devices”, at ICTON 2016, Trento (Italy).

July 9, 2015

Prof. Petruzzelli will give the Invited talk “Wavelength routers for multilayer integrated optical networks on chip, at ICTON 2015, Budapest (Hungary)

July 6, 2015

Dr Grande will give the invited talk “Graphene-based optical absorbers”, at ICTON 2015, Budapest (Hungary).

July 9, 2014

Prof. Petruzzelli will give the Invited talk “Thermal performance of photonic crystal waveguiding devices based on GaInNAs/GaInAs quantum-wells”, at ICTON 2014, Graz (Austria)

June 14th, 2014

The paper “Stable planar mesoscopic photonic crystal cavities”, by G. Magno, A. Monmayrant, M. Grande, F. Lozes-Dupuy, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, G. Calò, V. Petruzzelli has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

March 3th, 2014

Giovanni Magno completed his visiting period at LAAS in Toulouse (France), leaded by Dr. O.Gauthier-Lafaye, where he worked on mesoscopic self-collimation in two-dimensional Photonic Crystals

Frebruary 6th, 2014

Giovanni Magno will give the talk “Stable planar microcavities based on mesoscopic photonic crystals”, at Photonic WEST 2014, San Francisco – USA

December 16th, 2013

The paper “Controlled reflectivities in self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystal”, by G. Magno, M. Grande, A. Monmayrant, F. Lozes-Dupuy, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, G. Calò, V. Petruzzelli has been accepted for publication in Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Optical Physics.

September 15th, 2013

On October 30th, Giovanni Magno will present the poster “Tailoring the reflectivity in self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystals”, by G. Magno, A. Monmayrant, M. Grande, F. Lozes-Dupuy, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, G. Calò, V. Petruzzelli, at the Assemblée générale “Interférences d’Ondes” – GDR Ondes, Dijon, France.

July 24 th, 2013

Prof. Vincenzo Petruzzelli was funded by the Call “Galileo Italy-France 2013-2014” program with a project entitled “Experimental demonstration of mesoscopic self-collimation guiding”, in collaboration with the CNRS in Toulouse with Pricipal Investigator Dr. Antoine Monmayrant. The project is part of an already started research with the group of Dr. Antoine Monmayrant, on the subject of design, fabrication and characterization of novel laser sources on photonic crystal structures.

July 11th, 2013

The paper “Gold strip gratings with binary supercell”, by G. Magno, V. Marrocco, M. Grande, A. D’Orazio has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

May 18th, 2013

The site logo has been updated

May 13th, 2013

The paper “Asymmetric hybrid double dielectric loaded plasmonic waveguides for sensing applications”, by G. Magno, M. Grande, V. Petruzzelli, A. D’Orazio has been accepted for publication in Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical.

April 30th, 2013

The work “Multifunctional self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystals” by A. Monmayrant, F. Lozes-Dupuy, O. Gauthier-Lafaye, G. Magno, M. Grande, G. Calò, V. Petruzzelli will be presented at CLEO/EUROPE 2013, Munich (Germany), 12-5-2013

April 23th, 2013

On May 27th, Giovanni Magno will start his visiting period at LAAS in Toulouse (France), leaded by Dr. O.Gauthier-Lafaye, to work on mesoscopic self-collimation in two-dimensional Photonic Crystals

March 4th, 2013

The paper “Gain-assisted extraordinary optical transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures”, by R Marani, A D’Orazio, V Petruzzelli, S G Rodrigo, L Martin-Moreno,F J Garcia-Vidal and J Bravo-Abad, New Journal of Physics, January 2012, has been selected, on the basis of referee endorsement, novelty, scientific impact and broadness of appeal, by the editors of New Journal of Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2012’ collection. The full list of selected article highlights is available at

March 4th, 2013

Marco Grande will present the poster “Fabrication of 2D plasmonic gold nanopatches on graphene”, by M. Grande, T. Stomeo, M. A. Vincenti, G. V. Bianco, D. de Ceglia, V. Petruzzelli, G. Bruno, M. De Vittorio, A. D’Orazio, M. Scalora, at Graphene Nanophotonics, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque – Spain

February 27th, 2013

The paper “WDM Performances of two- and three- waveguide Mach-Zehnder switches assembled into 4×4 matrix router” by G. Calò, V. Petruzzelli, has been published in Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters, vol. 38, page 1-16, 2013, (issn: 1937-6480)

January 31th, 2013

The paper “WDM Performances of two- and three- waveguide Mach-Zehnder switches assembled into 4×4 matrix router”, by G.Calò, V. Petruzzelli has been accepted for publication in Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters.

January 28th, 2013

The paper “Photonic band gap active waveguide filters based on dilute nitrides” by Giovanna Calò et al. has been published in Phisica Statusa Solid C, DOI 10.1002/pssc.201200375

July 18th, 2012

Nico Voelcker will give the talk “Nanostructured Porous Silicon in Nanomedicine” at DEE, Politecnico di Bari, and visit the nPEG labs on July 19th, 2012

July 4th, 2012

Vincenzo Petruzzelli will give the invited talk “Photonic interconnects for chip multiprocessing architectures” at Icton 2012, University of Warwick Coventry – UK July 2-5 2012

July 3th, 2012

Prof. Petruzzelli will give the Invited talk “Photonic interconnects for chip multiprocessing architectures”, at ICTON 2012, Coventry (United Kingdom)

July 2nd, 2012

Marco Grande will give the invited talk “Optical properties of ordered plasmonic nanostructures in linear and nonlinear regimes” at Icton 2012, University of Warwick Coventry – UK July 2-5 2012

June 12th, 2012

Marco Grande will give the talk “Novel plasmonic bio-sensing system based on two-dimensional gold patch array for linear and nonlinear regimes” at Cimtec 2012, Montecatini Terme – Italy June 10-12 2012

May 23th, 2012

The paper “Emission performance and transmission spectrum of a doublt resonant 3D nanodisk yagi-uda antenna for wireless optical communications” by T. Dattoma et al. has been accepted for pubblication in Plasmonics.

May 16th, 2012

The paper “Plasmonic bandgaps in 1D arrays of slits on metal layers excited by out of plane source” by R. Marani et al. has been published in International Journal of Optics and is now available online here.

May 16th, 2012

The paper “Color control through plasmonic metal gratings” by M.A. Vincenti et al. has been published in Applied Physics Letters and is now available online here.

May 2nd-3rd, 2012

FIRB “PHOTONICA” Project Review Meeting: G. Calò hosts D. Bertozzi, S. Bartolini, L. Ramini, A. Parini.

April 13rd, 2012

Roberto Marani has discussed his PhD thesis and obtained the title of Phil. Doctor in Information Engineering.

March 2nd, 2012

Giuseppe Morea has discussed his PhD thesis and obtained the title of Phil. Doctor in Electronic Engineering.

January 13rd, 2012

The paper “Gain-assisted extraordinary optical transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures” by Roberto Marani et al. has been accepted and is now available online here.

January 1st, 2012

Giovanni Magno has joined the nPEG as PhD student.

December 14th, 2011

Marco Grande has spent two weeks at LAAS in Toulouse (France) to work on mesoscopic self-collimation in two-dimensional Photonic Crystals

October 24th, 2011

The paper “Experimental demonstration of a novel bio‑sensing platform via plasmonic band gap formation in gold nano‑patch arrays” by Marco Grande et al. has been accepted and is now available online here.

October 4th, 2011

Roberto Marani completed his visiting period in the Nanophotonics Group at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) leaded by Prof. F. J. Garcìa-Vidal.

June 29, 2011

Dr. Grande will be chairman of the technical session “Global Optical & Wireless Networking Seminar” at ICTON 2011, Stockholm, Sweden.

June 28, 2011

Dr. Calò will give the Invited talk “Photonic interconnects for chip multiprocessing architectures”, at ICTON 2011, Stockholm (Sweden)

May 9th, 2011

The paper “Analisi dello scattering di nanoparticelle metalliche su substrato finito di Si” by Valeria Marrocco et al. has been presented at the 13th Italian National Conference of Photonic Technologies, Fotonica 2011, Genova (Italy). The PDF version of the poster is available here.

April 11th, 2011

The paper “Wavelength selective switching in dilute nitrides multi quantum well photonic band gap waveguides” by Giovanna Calò et al. has been published in Physica Status Solidi and is available on-line here.

March 15th, 2011

The paper “Plasmonic bandgap formation in two-dimensional periodic arrangements of gold patches with subwavelength gaps” by Roberto Marani et al. is now available online here .

March 11th, 2011

The paper “Enhancement of Extraordinary Optical Transmission in a Double Heterostructure Plasmonic Bandgap Cavity” by Roberto Marani et al. is now available online here.

March 1st, 2011

The paper “Enhancement and suppression of transmission in 3D nanoslits arrays with 1- and 2D periodicities” by Maria Antonietta Vincenti et al. is now available online here.

February 24th, 2011

The paper “Enhancement of Extraordinary Optical Transmission in a Double Heterostructure Plasmonic Bandgap Cavity” by Roberto Marani et al. has been accepted for publication in Plasmonics, May 2011.

February 18th, 2011

The paper “Plasmonic bandgap formation in two-dimensional periodic arrangements of gold patches with subwavelength gaps” by Roberto Marani et al. has been accepted for publication in Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Issue 6, March 2011.

February 1st, 2011

The paper “Active InGaAsP/InPPhotonic Bandgap Waveguides for Wavelength-Selective Switching” by Giovanna Calò et al. has been published in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.47, no.2, February 2011, pp.172-181.

January 31st, 2011

Roberto Marani starts his visiting period in the Nanophotonics Group at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) leaded by Prof. F. J. Garcìa-Vidal.

January 21st, 2011

The paper “Enhancement and Suppression of Transmission in 3-D Nanoslits Arrays with 1- and 2-D Periodicities” by Maria Antonietta Vincenti et al. has been presented at the International Conference Photonic West in San Francisco (CA, USA). The PDF version is available here.

January 8th, 2011

The paper “Modification of the scattering of silver nanoparticles induced by Fabry-Perot Resonances rising from a finite Si layer” by Valeria Marrocco et al. is now available online here.

November 26th, 2010

Giovanna Calò talks at the ceremony of the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2010/2011 as a representative of Young Researchers of Politecnico di Bari.

August 3rd, 2010

The project FIRB 2008 “PHOTONICA-Photonic Interconnect Technology for Chip Multiprocessing Architectures” has been financed by MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università della Ricerca). The principal investigator is Giovanna Calò.

May 30th, 2010

The paper “Active InGaAsP/InPPhotonic Bandgap Waveguides for Wavelength-Selective Switching” by G.Calò et al. has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics.

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