
@CONFERENCE{Niro2020, author={Niro, G. and Marasco, I. and Rizzi, F. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Grande, M.}, title={Design of a surface acoustic wave resonator for sensing platforms}, journal={IEEE Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2020 – Conference Proceedings}, year={2020}, doi={10.1109/MeMeA49120.2020.9137116}, art_number={9137116}, note={cited By 0}, url={}, document_type={Conference Paper}, source={Scopus}, }
@CONFERENCE{Buzzin2019, author={Buzzin, A. and Veroli, A. and Alam, B. and Maiolo, L. and Marrani, M. and Muzi, M.}, title={Polymer Nano-Sieve for particle filtering in Lab-on-Chip devices}, journal={AIP Conference Proceedings}, year={2019}, volume={2145}, art_number={020013}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Veroli2019, author={Veroli, A. and Alam, B. and Maiolo, L. and Todisco, F. and Dominici, L. and De Giorgi, M. and Pettinari, G. and Gerardino, A. and Benedetti, A.}, title={Planar chiral plasmonic 2D metamaterial: Design and fabrication}, journal={AIP Conference Proceedings}, year={2019}, volume={2145}, art_number={020015}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Benedetti20191008, author={Benedetti, A. and Alam, B.}, title={Efficient light focusing through tunable spiralized Fresnel zone plate}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2019}, volume={36}, number={4}, pages={1008-1016}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Benedetti20192785, author={Benedetti, A. and Alam, B.}, title={Dynamic phase control by rigid spiralized Fresnel zone plates}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2019}, volume={36}, number={10}, pages={2785-2792}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Veroli20193079, author={Veroli, A. and Alam, B. and Maiolo, L. and Todisco, F. and Dominici, L. and de Giorgi, M. and Pettinari, G. and Gerardino, A. and Benedetti, A.}, title={High circular dichroism and robust performance in planar plasmonic metamaterial made of nano-comma-shaped resonators}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2019}, volume={36}, number={11}, pages={3079-3084}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Benedetti2017, author={Benedetti, A. and Alam, B. and Esposito, M. and Tasco, V. and Leahu, G. and Belardini, A. and Li Voti, R. and Passaseo, A. and Sibilia, C.}, title={Precise detection of circular dichroism in a cluster of nano-helices by photoacoustic measurements}, journal={Scientific Reports}, year={2017}, volume={7}, number={1}, art_number={5257}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Alam2016, author={Alam, B. and Veroli, A. and Benedetti, A.}, title={Analysis on vertical directional couplers with long range surface plasmons for multilayer optical routing}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2016}, volume={120}, number={8}, art_number={083106}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Petrillo2019S115, author={Petrillo, F. and Valenzano, L. and Franco, C. and Calò, G. and Dentico, D. and Manzoni, P. and D’Amato, G. and Del Vecchio, A.}, title={Pulmonary Recruitment Strategy in Preterm Neonates < 29 Weeks of Gestational Age to Reduce the Need for Intubation in the Delivery Room}, journal={American Journal of Perinatology}, year={2019}, volume={36}, pages={S115-S119}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Fuschini2020, author={Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Calò, G. and Tralli, V. and Bellanca, G. and Zoli, M. and Dehkordi, J.S. and Nanni, J. and Alam, B. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Article multi-level analysis of on-chip optical wireless links}, journal={Applied Sciences (Switzerland)}, year={2020}, volume={10}, number={1}, art_number={196}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Alam2019, author={Alam, B. and Veroli, A. and Caló, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Benedetti, A.}, title={Multilayer optical routing by means of vertical directional coupler with long range surface plasmons}, journal={AIP Conference Proceedings}, year={2019}, volume={2145}, art_number={020017}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2019, author={Calo, G. and Alam, B. and Bellanca, G. and Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Tralli, V. and Bassi, P. and Stomeo, T. and Bozzetti, M. and Kaplan, A.E. and Shafiei Dehkordi, J. and Zoli, M. and Nanni, J. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Dielectric and plasmonic vivaldi antennas for on-chip wireless communication}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2019}, volume={2019-July}, art_number={8840426}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Fuschini2018, author={Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Zoli, M. and Bellanca, G. and Calò, G. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Ray tracing modeling of electromagnetic propagation for on-chip wireless optical communications}, journal={Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications}, year={2018}, volume={8}, number={4}, art_number={39}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò201830267, author={Calò, G. and Bellanca, G. and Alam, B. and Kaplan, A.E. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Array of plasmonic vivaldi antennas coupled to silicon waveguides for wireless networks through on-chip optical technology – WiNOT}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2018}, volume={26}, number={23}, pages={30267-30277}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2018, author={Calo, G. and Bellanca, G. and Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Kaplan, A.E. and Bozzetti, M. and Alam, B. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={On-Chip Wireless Optical Communication: From Antenna Design to Channel Modelling}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2018}, volume={2018-July}, art_number={8474007}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2018, author={Calò, G. and Bellanca, G. and Kaplan, A.E. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Double Vivaldi antenna for wireless optical networks on chip}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2018}, volume={50}, number={6}, art_number={261}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2018, author={Calo, G. and Bellanca, G. and Kaplan, A.E. and Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Bozzetti, M. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Integrated vivaldi antennas, an enabling technology for optical wireless networks on chip}, journal={ACM International Conference Proceeding Series}, year={2018}, volume={2018-January}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2018, author={Calò, G. and Bellanca, G. and Kaplan, A.E. and Fuschini, F. and Barbiroli, M. and Bozzetti, M. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={On-chip wireless optical communication through plasmonic nanoantennas}, journal={IET Conference Publications}, year={2018}, volume={2018}, number={CP741}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2017, author={Calo, G. and Bellanca, G. and Bozzetti, M. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Coupling between Si-waveguides and plasmonic antennas for optical networks on chip}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2017}, art_number={8024771}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bellanca201716214, author={Bellanca, G. and Calò, G. and Kaplan, A.E. and Bassi, P. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Integrated Vivaldi plasmonic antenna for wireless on-chip optical communications}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2017}, volume={25}, number={14}, pages={16214-16227}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20176, author={Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Grating-assisted vertical couplers for signal routing in multilayer integrated optical networks}, journal={Optics Communications}, year={2017}, volume={386}, pages={6-13}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò201699, author={Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Generic Wavelength-routed Optical Router (GWOR) based on grating-assisted vertical couplers for multilayer optical networks}, journal={Optics Communications}, year={2016}, volume={366}, pages={99-106}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2016201, author={Calò, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Temperature performance of GaInNAs-based photonic crystal waveguide modulators}, journal={Progress In Electromagnetics Research M}, year={2016}, volume={47}, pages={201-213}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2015, author={Calo, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Wavelength routers for multilayer integrated optical networks on chip}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2015}, volume={2015-August}, art_number={7193732}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2014517, author={Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Compact design of photonic crystal ring resonator 2×2 routers as building blocks for photonic networks on chip}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2014}, volume={31}, number={3}, pages={517-525}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Parini2014385, author={Parini, A. and Calò, G. and Bellanca, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Vertical link solutions for multilayer optical-networks-on-chip topologies}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2014}, volume={46}, number={3}, pages={385-396}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2014, author={Calo, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Thermal performance of photonic crystal waveguiding devices based on GaInNAs/GaInAs quantum-wells}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2014}, art_number={6876690}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2013, author={Calo, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Photonic components for signal routing in optical networks on chip}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2013}, art_number={6602848}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calo2013, author={Calo, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Wavelength routers for optical networks-on-chip using optimized photonic crystal ring resonators}, journal={IEEE Photonics Journal}, year={2013}, volume={5}, number={3}, art_number={7901011}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2013, author={Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={WDM performances of two- and three-waveguide Mach-Zehnder Switches assembled into 4×4 matrix router}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters}, year={2013}, volume={38}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20121936, author={Calò, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Active photonic band-gap switch based on GalnNAs multiquantum well}, journal={IEEE Photonics Journal}, year={2012}, volume={4}, number={5}, pages={1936-1946}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calo2012, author={Calo, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Photonic interconnects for chip multiprocessing architectures}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2012}, art_number={6253941}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2012151, author={Calò, G. and Farinola, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Design and optimization of high sensitivity photonic interferometric biosensors on polymeric waveguides}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters}, year={2012}, volume={33}, pages={151-166}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2012503, author={Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Electromagnetic and thermal analyses of improved GTEM cells for bioelectromagnetic experiments}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research}, year={2012}, volume={125}, pages={503-526}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò201237, author={Calò, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Active wdm filter on dilute nitride quan-tum well photonic band gap waveguide}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters}, year={2012}, volume={35}, pages={37-49}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20111668, author={Calò, G. and Farinola, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Equalization in photonic bandgap multiwavelength filters by the Newton binomial distribution}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2011}, volume={28}, number={7}, pages={1668-1679}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20092414, author={Calò, G. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Study of gain in photonic bandgap active InP waveguides}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2009}, volume={26}, number={12}, pages={2414-2422}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Gallo200924, author={Gallo, M. and Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Design of a dielectric applicator for microwave heating}, journal={Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy}, year={2009}, volume={43}, number={2}, pages={24-30}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2009, author={Marrocco, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Calò, G. and Sario, M.D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and D’orazio, A.}, title={Field enhancement in a photonic band gap cavity assisted by metal grooves}, journal={ICTON 2009: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2009}, art_number={5185231}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Mescia2009, author={Mescia, L. and Prudenzano, F. and Allegretti, L. and De Sario, M. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and Smektala, F. and Moizan, V. and Nazabal, V. and Troles, J.}, title={Erbium-doped chalcogenide fiber ring laser for mid-IR applications}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2009}, volume={7366}, art_number={73661X}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti20067, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and Lattarulo, F. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Multi-monopole model of man for SAR evaluations}, journal={SoftCOM 2006 – International Conference on Software, Telecommunications andComputer Networks}, year={2006}, pages={7-11}, art_number={4129868}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Petruzzelli2003105, author={Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Accurate model of InxGa1-xAsyP1-y/InP active waveguides for optimal design of switches}, journal={International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields}, year={2003}, volume={16}, number={2}, pages={105-125}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003161, author={D’Orazio, A. and Desario, M. and Ingravallo, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Infiltrated liquid crystal photonic bandgap devices for switching and tunable filtering}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={2003}, volume={22}, number={3}, pages={161-172}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003855, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Palo, V. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Finite difference time domain modeling of light amplification in active photonic band gap structures-abstract}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={2003}, volume={17}, number={6}, pages={855-857}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2002183, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Chiasera, A. and Montagna, M. and Tosello, C. and Ferrari, M.}, title={Modeling of Er3+ doped SiO2 – TiO2 planar amplifier}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2002}, volume={4645}, pages={183-192}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Petruzzelli2001347, author={Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Propagation modes in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides exploiting cascaded second order nonlinearity}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={2001}, volume={20}, number={4}, pages={347-365}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Martino20012606, author={Martino, M. and Luches, A. and Fernández, M. and Anobile, P. and Petruzzelli V}, title={Characterization of thin indium tin oxide films deposited by pulsed XeCl laser ablation}, journal={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, year={2001}, volume={34}, number={17}, pages={2606-2609}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio1997369, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Ficarella, G. and Grando, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design and demonstration of interferometric integrated-optic sensors in Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={1997}, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={369-386}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Giorgio19961313, author={Giorgio, A. and Perri, A.G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={New technique for designing high-performance monolithically integrated In0.53Ga0.47As/InP p-i-n/FET front-end optical receiver}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={1996}, volume={3}, pages={1313-1316}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’alessandro1995141, author={D’alessandro, A. and D’orazio, F. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Refined modeling of traveling-wave Ti:LiNbO3 channel waveguide modulator}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={1995}, volume={14}, number={2}, pages={141-157}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Cucurachi1995241, author={Cucurachi, S. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Mathematical refinements of excitation conditions in coupled waveguides}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={1995}, volume={9}, number={1-2}, pages={241-265}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSario19931565, author={De Sario, M. and D’ Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Propagation characteristics of nonlinear graded-index optical waveguides}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={1993}, volume={10}, number={9}, pages={1565-1571}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Sario19921172, author={Sario, M.D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Leaky Mode Propagation in Planar Multi-Layer Inhomogeneous Biréfringent Waveguides: Polar Dielectric Tensor Configuration}, journal={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, year={1992}, volume={25}, number={8}, pages={1172-1181}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marasco2020, author={Marasco, I. and Niro, G. and Lamanna, L. and Piro, L. and Guido, F. and Algieri, L. and Mastronardi, V.M. and Qualtieri, A. and Scarpa, E. and Desmaële, D. and Rizzi, F. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Grande, M.}, title={Compact and flexible meander antenna for Surface Acoustic Wave sensors}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2020}, volume={227}, art_number={111322}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Lovascio2020, author={Lovascio, A. and D’orazio, A. and Centonze, V.}, title={Characterization of a COTS-based RF receiver for cubesat applications}, journal={Sensors (Switzerland)}, year={2020}, volume={20}, number={3}, art_number={776}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2019, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Perna, F.M. and Capriati, V. and Capezzuto, P. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Reconfigurable and optically transparent microwave absorbers based on deep eutectic solvent-gated graphene}, journal={Scientific Reports}, year={2019}, volume={9}, number={1}, art_number={5463}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno201930287, author={Magno, G. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Caló, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Monmayrant, A.}, title={Mesoscopic self-collimation along arbitrary directions and below the light line}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2019}, volume={27}, number={21}, pages={30287-30296}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2019, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Laneve, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Prudenzano, F. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Gain and phase control in a graphene-loaded reconfigurable antenna}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, year={2019}, volume={115}, number={13}, art_number={133103}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo2019, author={Stomeo, T. and Casolino, A. and Guido, F. and Qualtieri, A. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Grande, M.}, title={2D dielectric nanoimprinted PMMA pillars on metallo-dielectric films}, journal={Applied Sciences (Switzerland)}, year={2019}, volume={9}, number={18}, art_number={3812}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Ivanov2019, author={Ivanov, A. and Agliullin, T. and Laneve, D. and Portosi, V. and Vorobev, A. and Nigmatullin, R.R. and Nasybullin, A. and Morozov, O. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Grande, M.}, title={Design and characterization of a microwave planar sensor for dielectric assessment of vegetable oils}, journal={Electronics (Switzerland)}, year={2019}, volume={8}, number={9}, art_number={1030}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antchev2019, author={Antchev, G. and Aspell, P. and Atanassov, I. and Avati, V. and Baechler, J. and Barrera, C.B. and Berardi, V. and Berretti, M. and Bossini, E. and Bottigli, U. and Bozzo, M. and Bruce, R. and Burkhardt, H. and Cafagna, F.S. and Catanesi, M.G. and Csanád, M. and Csörgő, T. and Deile, M. and De Leonardis, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Doubek, M. and Druzhkin, D. and Eggert, K. and Eremin, V. and Ferro, F. and Fiergolski, A. and Garcia, F. and Morales, H.G. and Georgiev, V. and Giani, S. and Grzanka, L. and Hammerbauer, J. and Heino, J. and Helander, P. and Isidori, T. and Ivanchenko, V. and Janda, M. and Karev, A. and Kašpar, J. and Kopal, J. and Kundrát, V. and Lami, S. and Latino, G. and Lauhakangas, R. and Linhart, R. and Lindsey, C. and Lokajíček, M.V. and Losurdo, L. and Lo Vetere, M. and Rodríguez, F.L. and Macrí, M. and Malawski, M. and Mereghetti, A. and Minafra, N. and Minutoli, S. and Mirarchi, D. and Naaranoja, T. and Nemes, F. and Niewiadomski, H. and Novák, T. and Oliveri, E. and Oljemark, F. and Oriunno, M. and Österberg, K. and Palazzi, P. and Passaro, V. and Peroutka, Z. and Procházka, J. and Quinto, M. and Radermacher, E. and Radicioni, E. and Ravotti, F. and Redaelli, S. and Robutti, E. and Royon, C. and Ruggiero, G. and Saarikko, H. and Salvachua, B. and Scribano, A. and Siroky, J. and Smajek, J. and Snoeys, W. and Stefanovitch, R. and Sziklai, J. and Taylor, C. and Tcherniaev, E. and Turini, N. and Vacek, V. and Valentino, G. and Welti, J. and Wenninger, J. and Williams, J. and Wyszkowski, P. and Zich, J. and Zielinski, K.}, title={First determination of the ρ parameter at √s=13 TeV: probing the existence of a colourless C-odd three-gluon compound state: TOTEM Collaboration}, journal={European Physical Journal C}, year={2019}, volume={79}, number={9}, art_number={785}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Nigmatullin2019265, author={Nigmatullin, R.R. and Vorobev, A.S. and Nasybullin, A.R. and D’Orazio, A. and Maione, G. and Lino, P. and Grande, M.}, title={Advanced and sensitive method by discrete geometrical invariants for detection of differences between complex fluids}, journal={Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, year={2019}, volume={73}, pages={265-274}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2019, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Kashif, F. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Reconfigurable and optically transparent graphene-based devices}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2019}, volume={2019-July}, art_number={8840518}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Lovascio2019399, author={Lovascio, A. and D’Orazio, A. and Centonze, V.}, title={Design of COTS-based radio-frequency receiver for cubesat applications}, journal={2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2019 – Proceedings}, year={2019}, pages={399-404}, art_number={8869647}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2019174, author={Marrocco, V. and Basile, V. and Fassi, I. and Grande, M. and Laneve, D. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Dielectric Resonant Antennas via Additive Manufacturing for 5G Communications}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium}, year={2019}, volume={2019-June}, pages={174-180}, art_number={9017673}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Kashif2019, author={Kashif, M.F. and Bianco, G.V. and Stomeo, T. and Vincenti, M.A. and de Ceglia, D. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Grande, M.}, title={Graphene-based cylindrical pillar gratings for polarization-insensitive optical absorbers}, journal={Applied Sciences (Switzerland)}, year={2019}, volume={9}, number={12}, art_number={528}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antchev2019, author={Antchev, G. and Aspell, P. and Atanassov, I. and Avati, V. and Baechler, J. and Barrera, C.B. and Berardi, V. and Berretti, M. and Bossini, E. and Bottigli, U. and Bozzo, M. and Burkhardt, H. and Cafagna, F.S. and Catanesi, M.G. and Csanád, M. and Csörgő, T. and Deile, M. and De Leonardis, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Doubek, M. and Druzhkin, D. and Eggert, K. and Eremin, V. and Ferro, F. and Fiergolski, A. and Garcia, F. and Georgiev, V. and Giani, S. and Grzanka, L. and Hammerbauer, J. and Heino, J. and Helander, P. and Isidori, T. and Ivanchenko, V. and Janda, M. and Karev, A. and Kašpar, J. and Kopal, J. and Kundrát, V. and Lami, S. and Latino, G. and Lauhakangas, R. and Linhart, R. and Lindsey, C. and Lokajíček, M.V. and Losurdo, L. and Vetere, M.L. and Rodríguez, F.L. and Macrí, M. and Malawski, M. and Minafra, N. and Minutoli, S. and Naaranoja, T. and Nemes, F. and Niewiadomski, H. and Novák, T. and Oliveri, E. and Oljemark, F. and Oriunno, M. and Österberg, K. and Palazzi, P. and Passaro, V. and Peroutka, Z. and Procházka, J. and Quinto, M. and Radermacher, E. and Radicioni, E. and Ravotti, F. and Robutti, E. and Royon, C. and Ruggiero, G. and Saarikko, H. and Scribano, A. and Siroky, J. and Smajek, J. and Snoeys, W. and Stefanovitch, R. and Sziklai, J. and Taylor, C. and Tcherniaev, E. and Turini, N. and Vacek, V. and Welti, J. and Williams, J. and Wyszkowski, P. and Zich, J. and Zielinski, K.}, title={First measurement of elastic, inelastic and total cross-section at √s=13 TeV by TOTEM and overview of cross-section data at LHC energies: TOTEM Collaboration}, journal={European Physical Journal C}, year={2019}, volume={79}, number={2}, art_number={103}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2019, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and de Ceglia, D. and Aközbek, N. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Harnessing guided mode resonances in a one-dimensional grating for graphene-based absorbers}, journal={Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015}, year={2019}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Giannino2018, author={Giannino, G. and Tedesco, A. and D’Orazio, A. and O’Faolain, L. and Grande, M.}, title={Optimization of Silicon-Nitride-Based Nanowires in Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Interferometers}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2018}, volume={2018-July}, art_number={8473823}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2018, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Laneve, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Prudenzano, F. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene for Optically Transparent Telecommunication Devices}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2018}, volume={2018-July}, art_number={8473815}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Cinarelli201815, author={Cinarelli, D. and Mariotti, G. and Centonze, V. and Lovascio, A. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={An optimization method for the monopole antenna placement of a low-orbit small satellite}, journal={5th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2018 – Proceedings}, year={2018}, pages={15-20}, art_number={8453545}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Sirunyan2018, author={Sirunyan, A.M. and Tumasyan, A. and Adam, W. and Ambrogi, F. and Asilar, A. D’Orazio et all, and The CMS collaboration and The TOTEM collaboration}, title={Observation of proton-tagged, central (semi)exclusive production of high-mass lepton pairs in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer}, journal={Journal of High Energy Physics}, year={2018}, volume={2018}, number={7}, art_number={153}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2018, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Laneve, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Prudenzano, F. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Optically transparent wideband CVD graphene-based microwave antennas}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, year={2018}, volume={112}, number={25}, art_number={251103}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2018, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Amplitude and phase modulation in microwave ring resonators by doped CVD graphene}, journal={Nanotechnology}, year={2018}, volume={29}, number={32}, art_number={325201}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ferrara2018, author={Ferrara, B. and Grande, M. and Calo, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Dagens, B. and Monmayrant, A. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Magno, G.}, title={Design of waveguides based on self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystals}, journal={IET Conference Publications}, year={2018}, volume={2018}, number={CP748}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ferrara2018, author={Ferrara, B. and Ecarnot, A. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Yam, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Dagens, B. and Magno, G.}, title={Optical trapping in 1D mesoscopic photonic crystal microcavities}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2018}, volume={10672}, art_number={106721E}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Monmayrant201728288, author={Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Ferrara, B. and Calò, G. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and D’Orazio, A. and Dagens, B. and Petruzzelli, V. and Magno, G.}, title={Full optical confinement in 1D mesoscopic photonic crystal-based microcavities: An experimental demonstration}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2017}, volume={25}, number={23}, pages={28288-28294}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2017, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Engineered graphene for optically transparent microwave devices}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2017}, art_number={8024907}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Centonze201768, author={Centonze, V. and Lovascio, A. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={An innovative EGSE approach for satellite RF system characterization based on real-time monitoring and space environment oriented analysis}, journal={4th IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2017 – Proceedings}, year={2017}, pages={68-73}, art_number={7999540}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antchev2017, author={Antchev, G. and Aspell, P. and Atanassov, I. and Avati, V. and Baechler, J. and Berardi, V. and Berretti, M. and Bossini, E. and Bottigli, U. and Bozzo, M. and Broulím, P. and Buzzo, A. and Cafagna, F.S. and Catanesi, M.G. and Csanád, M. and Csörgo, T. and Deile, M. and De Leonardis, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Doubek, M. and Eggert, K. and Eremin, V. and Ferro, F. and Fiergolski, A. and Garcia, F. and Georgiev, V. and Giani, S. and Grzanka, L. and Guaragnella, C. and Hammerbauer, J. and Heino, J. and Karev, A. and Kašpar, J. and Kopal, J. and Kundrát, V. and Lami, S. and Latino, G. and Lauhakangas, R. and Linhart, R. and Lokajíček, M.V. and Losurdo, L. and Lo Vetere, M. and Rodríguez, F.L. and Lucsanyi, D. and Macrí, M. and Mercadante, A. and Minafra, N. and Minutoli, S. and Naaranoja, T. and Nemes, F. and Niewiadomski, H. and Novak, T. and Oliveri, E. and Oljemark, F. and Oriunno, M. and Österberg, K. and Palazzi, P. and Paločko, L. and Passaro, V. and Peroutka, Z. and Petruzzelli, V. and Politi, T. and Procházka, J. and Prudenzano, F. and Quinto, M. and Radermacher, E. and Radicioni, E. and Ravotti, F. and Robutti, E. and Royon, C. and Ruggiero, G. and Saarikko, H. and Scribano, A. and Smajek, J. and Snoeys, W. and Sziklai, J. and Taylor, C. and Turini, N. and Vacek, V. and Welti, J. and Wyszkowski, P. and Zielinski, K. and TOTEM Collaboration}, title={Diamond detectors for the TOTEM timing upgrade}, journal={Journal of Instrumentation}, year={2017}, volume={12}, number={3}, art_number={P03007}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeCeglia2016, author={De Ceglia, D. and Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Control of Fano resonances in graphene-based gratings at telecom wavelengths}, journal={2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016}, year={2016}, art_number={7787518}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antchev2016, author={Antchev, G. and Aspell, P. and Atanassov, I. and Avati, V. and Baechler, J. and Berardi, V. and Berretti, M. and Bossini, E. and Bottigli, U. and Bozzo, M. and Broulím, P. and Burkhardt, H. and Buzzo, A. and Cafagna, F.S. and Campanella, C.E. and Catanesi, M.G. and Csanád, M. and Csörgő, T. and Deile, M. and De Leonardis, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Doubek, M. and Eggert, K. and Eremin, V. and Ferro, F. and Fiergolski, A. and Garcia, F. and Georgiev, V. and Giani, S. and Grzanka, L. and Guaragnella, C. and Hammerbauer, J. and Heino, J. and Karev, A. and Kašpar, J. and Kopal, J. and Kundrát, V. and Lami, S. and Latino, G. and Lauhakangas, R. and Linhart, R. and Lippmaa, E. and Lippmaa, J. and Lokajíček, M.V. and Losurdo, L. and Lovetere, M. and Lucasrodr’guez, F. and Macrí, M. and Mercadante, A. and Minafra, N. and Minutoli, S. and Naaranoja, T. and Nemes, F. and Niewiadomski, H. and Oliveri, E. and Oljemark, F. and Orava, R. and Oriunno, M. and Österberg, K. and Palazzi, P. and Paločko, L. and Passaro, V. and Peroutka, Z. and Petruzzelli, V. and Politi, T. and Procházka, J. and Prudenzano, F. and Quinto, M. and Radermacher, E. and Radicioni, E. and Ravotti, F. and Redaelli, S. and Robutti, E. and Ropelewski, L. and Ruggiero, G. and Saarikko, H. and Salvachua, B. and Scribano, A. and Smajek, J. and Snoeys, W. and Sziklai, J. and Taylor, C. and Turini, N. and Vacek, V. and Valentino, G. and Welti, J. and Wenninger, J. and Wyszkowski, P. and Zielinski, K.}, title={Measurement of elastic pp scattering at √s=8 TeV in the Coulomb–nuclear interference region: determination of the ρ -parameter and the total cross-section}, journal={European Physical Journal C}, year={2016}, volume={76}, number={12}, art_number={661}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande201622788, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Optically transparent microwave screens based on engineered graphene layers}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2016}, volume={24}, number={20}, pages={22788-22795}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2016, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene-based devices: A platform for high frequency applications?}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2016}, volume={2016-August}, art_number={7550391}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeCeglia2016426, author={De Ceglia, D. and Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and D’orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Tuning infrared guided-mode resonances with graphene}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2016}, volume={33}, number={3}, pages={426-433}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeCeglia2016, author={De Ceglia, D. and Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Tuning Fano resonances of graphene-based gratings}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2016}, volume={9921}, art_number={99212Y}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2015, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Capezzuto, P. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Bruno, G.}, title={Optically Transparent Microwave Polarizer Based on Quasi-Metallic Graphene}, journal={Scientific Reports}, year={2015}, volume={5}, art_number={17083}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antchev2015527, author={Antchev, G. and Aspell, P. and Atanassov, I. and Avati, V. and Baechler, J. and Berardi, V. and Berretti, M. and Bossini, E. and Bottigli, U. and Bozzo, M. and Broulím, P. and Buzzo, A. and Cafagna, F.S. and Campanella, C.E. and Catanesi, M.G. and Csanád, M. and Csörgo, T. and Deile, M. and De Leonardis, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Doubek, M. and Eggert, K. and Eremin, V. and Ferro, F. and Fiergolski, A. and Garcia, F. and Georgiev, V. and Giani, S. and Grzanka, L. and Guaragnella, C. and Hammerbauer, J. and Heino, J. and Karev, A. and Kašpar, J. and Kopal, J. and Kundrát, V. and Lami, S. and Latino, G. and Lauhakangas, R. and Linhart, R. and Lippmaa, E. and Lippmaa, J. and Lokajícek, M.V. and Losurdo, L. and Lo Vetere, M. and Lucas Rodríguez, F. and Macrí, M. and Mercadante, A. and Minafra, N. and Minutoli, S. and Naaranoja, T. and Nemes, F. and Niewiadomski, H. and Oliveri, E. and Oljemark, F. and Orava, R. and Oriunno, M. and österberg, K. and Palazzi, P. and Palocko, L. and Passaro, V. and Peroutka, Z. and Petruzzelli, V. and Politi, T. and Procházka, J. and Prudenzano, F. and Quinto, M. and Radermacher, E. and Radicioni, E. and Ravotti, F. and Robutti, E. and Ropelewski, L. and Ruggiero, G. and Saarikko, H. and Scribano, A. and Smajek, J. and Snoeys, W. and Sodzawiczny, T. and Sziklai, J. and Taylor, C. and Turini, N. and Vacek, V. and Welti, J. and Wyszkowski, P. and Zielinski, K. and TOTEM Collaboration}, title={Evidence for non-exponential elastic proton-proton differential cross-section at low |t| and √s=8 TeV by TOTEM}, journal={Nuclear Physics B}, year={2015}, volume={899}, pages={527-546}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2015, author={Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M.}, title={Optically transparent graphene-based Salisbury screen microwave absorber}, journal={Mediterranean Microwave Symposium}, year={2015}, volume={2015-January}, art_number={7375386}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2015, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Aközbek, N. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene-based perfect optical absorbers harnessing guided mode resonances}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2015}, volume={23}, number={16}, art_number={21032}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2015, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Akozbek, N. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene-based optical absorbers}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2015}, volume={2015-August}, art_number={7193344}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2014, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and De Ceglia, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Absorption and losses in one-dimensional photonic-crystal-based absorbers incorporating graphene}, journal={IEEE Photonics Journal}, year={2014}, volume={6}, number={6}, art_number={6895106}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Zecca2014, author={Zecca, D. and Qualtieri, A. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prieto-Simon, B. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Voelcker, N.H. and Stomeo, T.}, title={Label-free Si3N4 photonic crystal based immunosensors for diagnostic applications}, journal={IEEE Photonics Journal}, year={2014}, volume={6}, number={6}, art_number={6892930}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti2014, author={Vincenti, M.A. and de Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Nonlinear processes in one-dimensional photonic crystal with graphene-based defect}, journal={Frontiers in Optics, FiO 2014}, year={2014}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ferrara2014, author={Ferrara, B. and Grande, M. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Dagens, B. and Monmayrant, A. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Petruzzelli, V. and Magno, G.}, title={Optical sensor based on a mesoscopic photonic crystal microcavity}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2014}, page_count={3}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2014, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Aközbek, N. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Harnessing guided mode resonances in a one-dimensional grating for graphene-based absorbers}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2014}, page_count={1}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2014, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Third-harmonic generation in one-dimensional photonic crystal with graphene-based defect}, journal={Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics}, year={2014}, volume={89}, number={16}, art_number={165139}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Zecca2014, author={Zecca, D. and Qualtieri, A. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prieto-Simon, B. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Voelcker, N.H. and Stomeo, T.}, title={Photonic crystal based immunosensor for clinical diagnosis}, journal={2014 3rd Mediterranean Photonics Conference, MePhoCo 2014}, year={2014}, art_number={6866459}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2014, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Absorption and losses in one-dimensional photonic crystal perfect absorber incorporating a monolayer graphene}, journal={2014 3rd Mediterranean Photonics Conference, MePhoCo 2014}, year={2014}, art_number={6866471}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Zecca2014, author={Zecca, D. and Qualtieri, A. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Prieto-Simon, B. and Voelcker, N.H.}, title={2D photonic crystal membranes for optical biosensors}, journal={2014 Fotonica AEIT Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies, Fotonica AEIT 2014}, year={2014}, art_number={6843901}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande201431511, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Aközbek, N. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene-based absorber exploiting guided mode resonances in one-dimensional gratings}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2014}, volume={22}, number={25}, pages={31511-31519}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2014, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Magno, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene-based photonic nanostructures for linear and nonlinear devices}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2014}, art_number={6876557}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Dattoma2013660, author={Dattoma, T. and Grande, M. and Qualtieri, A. and Stomeo, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Rizzi, F.}, title={Flexible and highly sensitive optical polymeric strain gauge}, journal={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology}, year={2013}, pages={660-664}, art_number={6720944}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2013, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Magno, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Graphene assisted nanostructures}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2013}, art_number={6602959}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti20133550, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Nonlinear control of absorption in one-dimensional photonic crystal with graphene-based defect}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2013}, volume={38}, number={18}, pages={3550-3553}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti20131445, author={Vincenti, M.A. and de Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Tailoring Absorption in Metal Gratings with Resonant Ultrathin Bridges}, journal={Plasmonics}, year={2013}, volume={8}, number={3}, pages={1445-1456}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno20132904, author={Magno, G. and Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Gold strip gratings with binary supercell}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2013}, volume={38}, number={15}, pages={2904-2906}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno2013148, author={Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Asymmetric hybrid double dielectric loaded plasmonic waveguides for sensing applications}, journal={Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical}, year={2013}, volume={186}, pages={148-155}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2013, author={Grande, M. and Stomeo, T. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Fabrication of doubly resonant plasmonic nanopatch arrays on graphene}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, year={2013}, volume={102}, number={23}, art_number={231111}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Dattoma2013173, author={Dattoma, T. and Grande, M. and Marani, R. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Emission and Transmission Properties of a Doubly Resonant 3D Nanodisk Yagi-Uda Antenna for Wireless Optical Communications}, journal={Plasmonics}, year={2013}, volume={8}, number={2}, pages={173-183}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2013, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and De Ceglia, D. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Surface-enhanced Raman scattering from finite arrays of gold nano-patches}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2013}, volume={113}, number={1}, art_number={013103}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno201346, author={Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Numerical analysis of the coupling mechanism in long-range plasmonic couplers at 1.55 μm}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2013}, volume={38}, number={1}, pages={46-48}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti2013, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and De Ceglia, D. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Enhanced third harmonic generation in 1D photonic crystals with a graphene layer defect}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2013}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2013234, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Stomeo, T.}, title={2D plasmonic gold nano-patches for linear and nonlinear applications}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2013}, volume={111}, pages={234-237}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno2012, author={Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={High-efficient ultra-short vertical long-range plasmonic couplers}, journal={Journal of Nanophotonics}, year={2012}, volume={6}, number={1}, art_number={1484739}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Dantonio2012, author={Dantonio, P. and Vincenzo Inchingolo, A. and Perna, G. and Capozzi, V. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Dorazio, A.}, title={Localized surface plasmon resonances in gold nano-patches on a gallium nitride substrate}, journal={Nanotechnology}, year={2012}, volume={23}, number={45}, art_number={455709}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti20121, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and de Ceglia, D. and Stomeo, T. and de Vittorio, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Experimental demonstration of plasmonic-grating-assisted optical biosensor}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2012}, volume={8457}, pages={1-7}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande20121, author={Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Vincenti, M.A. and de Ceglia, D. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M.}, title={Nonlinear response of 2D plasmonic gold patches for SERS applications}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2012}, volume={8457}, pages={1-7}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande2012, author={Grande, M. and Dioguardi, F. and Marani, R. and D’Orazio, A. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Bruno, G. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M.}, title={Optical properties of ordered plasmonic nanostructures in linear and nonlinear regimes}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2012}, art_number={6254435}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2012, author={Grande, M. and Bianco, G.V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and De Ceglia, D. and De Vittorio, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Scalora, M. and Bruno, G. and Dorazio, A.}, title={Experimental surface-enhanced Raman scattering response of two-dimensional finite arrays of gold nanopatches}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, year={2012}, volume={101}, number={11}, art_number={111606}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marani2012, author={Marani, R. and Grande, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Plasmonic bandgaps in 1D arrays of slits on metal layers excited by out-of-plane sources}, journal={International Journal of Optics}, year={2012}, volume={2012}, art_number={146396}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2012, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and De Ceglia, D. and Stomeo, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and De Vittorio, M. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Color control through plasmonic metal gratings}, journal={Applied Physics Letters}, year={2012}, volume={100}, number={20}, art_number={201107}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calo2012944, author={Calo, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Broadband mach-zehnder switch for photonic networks on chip}, journal={Journal of Lightwave Technology}, year={2012}, volume={30}, number={7}, pages={944-952}, art_number={6133318}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande2012191, author={Grande, M. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={High-Q photonic crystal nanobeam cavity based on a silicon nitride membrane incorporating fabrication imperfections and a low-index material layer}, journal={Progress In Electromagnetics Research B}, year={2012}, number={37}, pages={191-204}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marani2012, author={Marani, R. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Rodrigo, S.G. and Martín-Moreno, L. and García-Vidal, F.J. and Bravo-Abad, J.}, title={Gain-assisted extraordinary optical transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures}, journal={New Journal of Physics}, year={2012}, volume={14}, art_number={013020}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Palmisano20111744, author={Palmisano, T. and Surico, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Multi-long-period gratings for the optimization of pump absorption in microstructured optical fiber lasers}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium}, year={2011}, pages={1744-1748}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande20111056, author={Grande, M. and Marani, R. and Portincasa, F. and Morea, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Marrocco, V. and De Ceglia, D. and Vincenti, M.A.}, title={Asymmetric plasmonic grating for optical sensing of thin layers of organic materials}, journal={Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical}, year={2011}, volume={160}, number={1}, pages={1056-1062}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2011, author={Calò, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Analysis and design of novel photonic active devices based on dilute nitrides}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2011}, art_number={5971029}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2011, author={Marrocco, V. and Marani, R. and Morea, G. and Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Anomalous plasmonic band gap formation in two-dimensional slit arrays with different periods}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2011}, art_number={5970775}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande201121385, author={Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Stomeo, T. and Morea, G. and Marani, R. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’orazio, A. and Cingolani, R. and De Vittorio, M. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M.}, title={Experimental demonstration of a novel bio-sensing platform via plasmonic band gap formation in gold nano-patch arrays}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2011}, volume={19}, number={22}, pages={21385-21395}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Dattoma2011337, author={Dattoma, T. and Grande, M. and Marani, R. and Morea, G. and Marrocco, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Resonancewavelength dependence and mode formation in gold nanorod optical antennas with finite thickness}, journal={Progress In Electromagnetics Research B}, year={2011}, number={30}, pages={337-353}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marani2011469, author={Marani, R. and Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and Morea, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Enhancement of Extraordinary Optical Transmission in a Double Heterostructure Plasmonic Bandgap Cavity}, journal={Plasmonics}, year={2011}, volume={6}, number={3}, pages={469-476}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo20112771, author={Stomeo, T. and Grande, M. and Rain, G. and Passaseo, A. and D’Orazio, A. and Marrocco, V. and Cingolani, R. and Locatelli, A. and Modotto, D. and De Angelis, C. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={Optical filter based on a coupled bilayer photonic crystal}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2011}, volume={88}, number={8}, pages={2771-2774}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti2011, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M. and Marani, R. and Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and Morea, G. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Enhancement and suppression of transmission in 3-D nanoslits arrays with 1- and 2-D periodicities}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2011}, volume={7946}, art_number={794625}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20111212, author={Calò, G. and Alexandropoulos, D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Wavelength selective switching in dilute nitrides multi quantum well photonic band gap waveguides}, journal={Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research}, year={2011}, volume={248}, number={5}, pages={1212-1215}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marani2011903, author={Marani, R. and Grande, M. and Marrocco, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D.}, title={Plasmonic bandgap formation in two-dimensional periodic arrangements of gold patches with subwavelength gaps}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2011}, volume={36}, number={6}, pages={903-905}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2011172, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Grande, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Active InGaAsP/InP photonic bandgap waveguides for wavelength-selective switching}, journal={IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics}, year={2011}, volume={47}, number={2}, pages={172-181}, art_number={5679838}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marrocco2011, author={Marrocco, V. and Marani, R. and Grande, M. and Morea, G. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’orazio, A.}, title={Modification of the scattering of silver nanoparticles induced by Fabry-Pérot resonances rising from a finite Si layer}, journal={Journal of Optics}, year={2011}, volume={13}, number={1}, art_number={015004}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2010, author={Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and Marani, R. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Stomeo, T. and De Vittorio, M. and Passaseo, A.}, title={Plasmonic nanostructures for enhanced light concentration devoted to photovoltaic applications}, journal={2010 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2010}, year={2010}, art_number={5549281}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2010, author={Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Efficient plasmonic nanostructures for thin film solar cells}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2010}, volume={7725}, art_number={77250L}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Prudenzano2010, author={Prudenzano, F. and Mescia, L. and Allegretti, L. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Di Tommaso, A. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Near and medium infrared optical fiber lasers and emerging applications}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2010}, volume={7598}, art_number={75981A}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Marrocco2010703, author={Marrocco, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Grande, M. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Field localization in Bragg waveguide assisted by metal layers}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2010}, volume={27}, number={4}, pages={703-707}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo2010411, author={Stomeo, T. and Grande, M. and Rainò, G. and Passaseo, A. and D’Orazio, A. and Cingolani, R. and Locatelli, A. and Modotto, D. and De Angelis, C. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={Optical filter based on two coupled PhC GaAs-membranes}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2010}, volume={35}, number={3}, pages={411-413}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Grande200949, author={Grande, M. and O’Faolain, L. and White, T.P. and Spurny, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Krauss, T.F.}, title={A very wide stopband (≈300nm) optical filter based on a photonic crystal vertical directional coupler}, journal={IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics GFP}, year={2009}, pages={49-51}, art_number={5338292}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2009, author={Marrocco, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Plasmons on metal layers embedded in dielectric PBG cavity}, journal={ICTON 2009: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2009}, art_number={5185320}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2009, author={Marrocco, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Calò, G. and Sario, M.D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and D’orazio, A.}, title={Field enhancement in a photonic band gap cavity assisted by metal grooves}, journal={ICTON 2009: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2009}, art_number={5185231}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Allegretti2009, author={Allegretti, L. and Calò, G. and Di Tommaso, A. and D’orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Gallo, M. and Mescia, L. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Laser sources based on rare earth doped glasses: recent strategies}, journal={ICTON 2009: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2009}, art_number={5185175}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2009, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Rondinone, V. and Ladisa, A. and D’Orazio, A. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Loss compensation in metal-dielectric structures in negative-refraction and super-resolving regimes}, journal={Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics}, year={2009}, volume={80}, number={5}, art_number={053807}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Grande20093292, author={Grande, M. and O’Faolain, L. and White, T.P. and Spurny, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Krauss, T.F.}, title={Optical filter with very large stopband (≈300 nm) based on a photonic-crystal vertical-directional coupler}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2009}, volume={34}, number={21}, pages={3292-3294}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Prudenzano2009, author={Prudenzano, F. and Mescia, L. and Allegretti, L. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Palmisano, T. and Féron, P. and Ferrari, M. and Nunzi Conti, G. and Righini, G.C.}, title={Design of erbium-doped microsphere lasers}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2009}, volume={7366}, art_number={73660I}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Mescia20091163, author={Mescia, L. and Prudenzano, F. and Allegretti, L. and Calò, G. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Maiorano, L. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Design of silica-based photonic crystal fiber for biosensing applications}, journal={Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, year={2009}, volume={355}, number={18-21}, pages={1163-1166}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2009, author={Vincenti, M.A. and D’Orazio, A. and Cappeddu, M.G. and Akozbek, N. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Semiconductor-based superlens for subwavelength resolution below the diffraction limit at extreme ultraviolet frequencies}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2009}, volume={105}, number={10}, art_number={103103}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2009301, author={Vincenti, M.A. and D’Orazio, A. and Buncick, M. and Akozbek, N. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Beam steering from resonant subwavelength slits filled with a nonlinear material}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2009}, volume={26}, number={2}, pages={301-307}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Prudenzano200955, author={Prudenzano, F. and Mescia, L. and Allegretti, L.A. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Design of an optical sensor array for hydrocarbon monitoring}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2009}, volume={41}, number={1}, pages={55-68}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò200848, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Analysis of microwave thermal treatment of antique books with metallic insets}, journal={Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy}, year={2008}, volume={42}, number={3}, pages={48-60}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2008, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Prudenzano, F. and Bloemer, M.J. and Akozbek, N. and Scalora, M.}, title={Second harmonic generation from nanoslits in metal substrates: Applications to palladium-based H2 sensor}, journal={Journal of Nanophotonics}, year={2008}, volume={2}, number={1}, art_number={21851}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti2008241, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Scalora, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Surface plasmon generation in a subwavelength slit in metal: A palladium-based H2 leak detection sensor}, journal={ECIO’08 Eindhoven – Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition, Contributed and Invited Papers}, year={2008}, pages={241-244}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2008161, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Vincenti, M.A.}, title={Effect of gain saturation in InP-photonic band gap active waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of 2008 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON}, year={2008}, volume={2}, pages={161-164}, art_number={4598620}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Allegretti2008210, author={Allegretti, L. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Sario, M.D. and Mescia, L. and Palmisano, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Near and medium infrared fiber optic lasers and applications}, journal={Proceedings of 2008 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON}, year={2008}, volume={1}, pages={210-213}, art_number={4598409}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2008146, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Allegretti, L. and Palmisano, T. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Improvement of the pump power coupling in double cladding photonic crystal fiber}, journal={2008 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series}, year={2008}, pages={146-147}, art_number={4444443}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Vincenti2008, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Prudenzano, F. and De Ceglia, D. and Akozbek, N. and Bloemer, M.J. and Ashley, P. and Scalora, M.}, title={Enhanced transmission and second harmonic generation from subwavelength slits on metal substrates}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2008}, volume={6987}, art_number={69870O}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Caló2008273, author={Caló, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Tunability of photonic band gap notch filters}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology}, year={2008}, volume={7}, number={3}, pages={273-284}, art_number={4445644}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2008, author={Vincenti, M.A. and Trevisi, S. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Prudenzano, F. and Cioffi, N. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M.}, title={Theoretical analysis of a palladium-based one-dimensional metallo-dielectric photonic band gap structure for applications to H2 sensors}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2008}, volume={103}, number={6}, art_number={064507}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeCeglia2008, author={De Ceglia, D. and Vincenti, M.A. and Cappeddu, M.G. and Centini, M. and Akozbek, N. and D’Orazio, A. and Haus, J.W. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Tailoring metallodielectric structures for superresolution and superguiding applications in the visible and near-ir ranges}, journal={Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics}, year={2008}, volume={77}, number={3}, art_number={033848}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio200810, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic crystal drop filter exploiting resonant cavity configuration}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology}, year={2008}, volume={7}, number={1}, pages={10-13}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2007180, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Microstructured optical fiber sensors}, journal={Proceedings of 2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2007}, year={2007}, volume={2}, pages={180-183}, art_number={4296174}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Marrocco2007, author={Marrocco, V. and Grande, M. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={PBG chirped waveguide for efficient signal routing}, journal={ICTON-MW’07 – International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks “Mediterranean Winter” 2007 – Conference Proceedings}, year={2007}, art_number={4446921}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bozzetti2007, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sano, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optimized design of gigahertz transverse electromagnetic cells for dosimetric experiments}, journal={Radio Science}, year={2007}, volume={42}, number={3}, art_number={RS3017}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2007, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Integrated optical sensor for environment monitoring}, journal={ICTON-MW’07 – International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks “Mediterranean Winter” 2007 – Conference Proceedings}, year={2007}, art_number={4446937}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeCeglia2007165, author={De Ceglia, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Prudenzano, F. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Photonic crystal assisted polymeric optical field concentrator}, journal={Proceedings of 2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2007}, year={2007}, volume={2}, pages={165-169}, art_number={4296170}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Vincenti2007, author={Vincenti, M.A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Prudenzano, F. and De Ceglia, D. and Scalora, M.}, title={Fabry-Perot microcavity sensor for H2-breath-test analysis}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2007}, volume={102}, number={7}, art_number={074501}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antonucci2007271, author={Antonucci, D. and D’orazio, A. and De Ceglia, D. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={A doubly resonant photonic-crystal microcavity for second-harmonic generation}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={2007}, volume={26}, number={5}, pages={271-288}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Prudenzano20072135, author={Prudenzano, F. and Mescia, L. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Chiasera, A. and Ferrari, M.}, title={Optimization and characterization of rare-earth-doped photonic-crystal-fiber amplifier using genetic algorithm}, journal={Journal of Lightwave Technology}, year={2007}, volume={25}, number={8}, pages={2135-2142}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Biallo2007, author={Biallo, D. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Prudenzano, F. and Stomeo, T. and Grande, M. and Visimberga, G. and Cingolani, R. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={High sensitivity photonic crystal pressure sensor}, journal={Journal of the European Optical Society}, year={2007}, volume={2}, art_number={07017}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo20071450, author={Stomeo, T. and Grande, M. and Qualtieri, A. and Passaseo, A. and Salhi, A. and De Vittorio, M. and Biallo, D. and D’orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Fabrication of force sensors based on two-dimensional photonic crystal technology}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2007}, volume={84}, number={5-8}, pages={1450-1453}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Biallo2007, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Active microcavity and coupled cavities in one-dimensional photonic crystal}, journal={Journal of the European Optical Society}, year={2007}, volume={2}, art_number={07010}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Antonucci2007353, author={Antonucci, D. and De Ceglia, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Enhancement of the SHG efficiency in a doubly resonant 2D-photonic crystal microcavity}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2007}, volume={39}, number={4-6}, pages={353-360}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeCeglia2007265, author={De Ceglia, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Centini, M. and Cappeddu, M.G. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Enhancement and inhibition of second-harmonic generation and absorption in a negative index cavity}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2007}, volume={32}, number={3}, pages={265-267}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2007358, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Diaferia, N. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Effect of metallic insets in microwave thermal treatment of paper}, journal={Proceedings Book – 11th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, AMPERE 2007}, year={2007}, pages={358-361}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Biallo200644, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic crystal sensors}, journal={2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2006}, volume={2}, pages={44-48}, art_number={4013715}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2006170, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Genetic algorithms in design and characterization of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers}, journal={2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2006}, volume={1}, pages={170-174}, art_number={4013681}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Biallo2006258, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic crystal microcavity amplifier}, journal={2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2006}, volume={4}, pages={258}, art_number={4013915}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{deCeglia2006, author={de Ceglia, D. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Vincenti, M.A. and Prudenzano, F. and Scalora, M.}, title={Wide-band optical field concentrator for low-index core propagation}, journal={Journal of the European Optical Society}, year={2006}, volume={1}, art_number={06023}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Biallo20063823, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Enhanced light extraction in Er3+ doped SiO2-TiO2 microcavity embedded in one-dimensional photonic crystal}, journal={Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, year={2006}, volume={352}, number={36-37}, pages={3823-3828}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Albano2006, author={Albano, N. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optimization of propagation prediction hybrid model for the cellular network design}, journal={European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP}, year={2006}, volume={626 SP}, page_count={4}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2006, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Ceglia, D. and De Sario, M. and Prudenzano, F. and Bloemer, M.J. and Scalora, M.}, title={Analysis of second harmonic generation in photonic-crystal-assisted waveguides}, journal={Journal of Applied Physics}, year={2006}, volume={100}, number={4}, art_number={043110}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Margheri2006, author={Margheri, G. and Del Rosso, T. and Trigari, S. and Sottini, S. and Grando, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Temperature sensing in E.M.D. environment with periodically poled lithium niobate devices}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2006}, volume={6183}, art_number={61830X}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo20061823, author={Stomeo, T. and Errico, V. and Salhi, A. and Passaseo, A. and Cingolani, R. and D’Orazio, A. and Sario, M.D. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Vittorio, M.D.}, title={Design and fabrication of active and passive photonic crystal resonators}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2006}, volume={83}, number={4-9 SPEC. ISS.}, pages={1823-1825}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2006489, author={D’Orazio, A. and Liuzzi, N.C. and Di Alessio, F.L.}, title={A high performance C-band subharmonic modulator exploiting branch-line couplers as input/output ports}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={2006}, volume={20}, number={4}, pages={489-503}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ceglia2006, author={Ceglia, D.D. and D’Orazio, A. and Scalora, M.}, title={Counter-propagating pulses in a NIM cavity}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2006}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò20061243, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of cladding pumped microstructured fiber amplifier}, journal={Optical Materials}, year={2006}, volume={28}, number={11}, pages={1243-1246}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio20059970, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Refinement of Er3+-doped hole-assisted optical fiber amplifier}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2005}, volume={13}, number={25}, pages={9970-9981}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Stomeo2005118, author={Stomeo, T. and Bergamo, R. and Martiradonna, L. and Cingolani, R. and Massimo De, V. and D’Orazio, A. and Marrocco, V.}, title={Fabrication of high efficiency compact 90° bend waveguide by using a dielectric 2D-PC structure}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2005}, volume={5840 PART I}, pages={118-125}, art_number={13}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Calò2005115, author={Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic crystal fibres}, journal={Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2005}, year={2005}, volume={1}, pages={115-120}, art_number={1505764}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Biallo2005149, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optical amplification in Er 3+ doped SiO 2-TiO 2 photonic crystals}, journal={Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2005}, year={2005}, volume={1}, pages={149-154}, art_number={1505772}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Alfano20051145, author={Alfano, L. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={A continuous varying impedance passband microstrip filter exploiting a butterfly wing shape}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={2005}, volume={19}, number={9}, pages={1145-1156}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2005499, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of double-clad ytterbium-doped microstructured fibre laser}, journal={Applied Surface Science}, year={2005}, volume={248}, number={1-4}, pages={499-502}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Carlone20051840, author={Carlone, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of double-clad erbium-doped holey fiber amplifier}, journal={Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, year={2005}, volume={351}, number={21-23}, pages={1840-1845}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Biallo20054683, author={Biallo, D. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sarlo, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Time domain analysis of optical amplification in Er3+ doped SiO2-TiO2 planar waveguide}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2005}, volume={13}, number={12}, pages={4683-4692}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DiAlessio20051203, author={Di Alessio, F.L. and D’Orazio, A. and Lavolpe, R.}, title={Even-harmonic C-band modulator}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques}, year={2005}, volume={53}, number={4 I}, pages={1203-1210}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo2005229, author={Stomeo, T. and Bergamo, R. and Cingolani, R. and De Vittorio, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Ceglia, D. and Marrocco, V.}, title={Silica glass bend waveguide assisted by two-dimensional photonic crystals}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2005}, volume={37}, number={1-3}, pages={229-239}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2005251, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and D’Imperio, F. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Diaferia, N. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Microwave treatment of art and antique works}, journal={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating}, year={2005}, pages={251-254}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2004126, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Ceglia, D. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Second order nonlinear interactions in periodic waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2004}, volume={1}, pages={126-130}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2004292, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic band gap wavelength multiplexer-demultiplexer}, journal={Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2004}, volume={1}, pages={292-297}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2004635, author={Bozzetti, M. and De Sario, M. and Calò, G. and Mescia, L. and Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Characterization of a GTEM cell designed for the SAR evaluation in in vitro experiments}, journal={PIERS 2004 – Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Extended Papers Proceedings}, year={2004}, pages={635-638}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Stomeo2004377, author={Stomeo, T. and Todaro, M.T. and Visimberga, G. and Vitale, V. and Passaseo, A. and Cingolani, R. and DeVittorio, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Marrocco, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Cabrini, S. and Di Fabrizio, E.}, title={Design of two-dimensional photonic-crystal mirrors for InGaAs QW laser applications}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2004}, volume={73-74}, pages={377-382}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2004507, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Giasi, C. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of planar optic sensors for hydrocarbon detection}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2004}, volume={36}, number={6}, pages={507-526}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bozzetti200417, author={Bozzetti, M. and Calò, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Diaferia, N. and Bonaventura, C.}, title={Mode-stirred chamber for cereal disinfestation}, journal={Materials Research Innovations}, year={2004}, volume={8}, number={1}, pages={17-22}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Albertoni2003516, author={Albertoni, A. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Two-dimensional photonic crystal couplers with defect coupling region for wavelength division multi/demultiplexing}, journal={Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe – Technical Digest}, year={2003}, pages={516}, art_number={1313578}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003299, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Palo, V. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Finite difference time domain modeling of light amplification in active photonic band gap structures}, journal={Progress in Electromagnetics Research}, year={2003}, volume={39}, pages={299-339}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2003984, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Giasi, C. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of optic sensor for hydrocarbon detection}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2003}, volume={4829 II}, pages={984-985}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bozzetti2003459, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Renna, F.}, title={Tapered photonic bandgap microstrip lowpass filters: Design and realisation}, journal={IEE Proceedings: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation}, year={2003}, volume={150}, number={6}, pages={459-462}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DelRosso2003905, author={Del Rosso, T. and Sottini, S. and Trigari, S. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Grande, D.}, title={Design and fabrication of APE – PPLN waveguides for temperature measurement}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2003}, volume={4829 II}, pages={905-906}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Acciani20031261, author={Acciani, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Delmedico, V. and De Sario, M. and Gramegna, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Radiometric profiling of temperature using algorithm based on neural networks}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2003}, volume={39}, number={17}, pages={1261-1263}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003278, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Chiasera, A. and Montagna, M. and Tosello, C. and Ferrari, M.}, title={Design of Er3+ doped SiO2-TiO2 planar waveguide amplifier}, journal={Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids}, year={2003}, volume={322}, number={1-3}, pages={278-283}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bozzetti20031028, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Grisorio, C. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Rotunno, A.}, title={Electromagnetic bandgap phased array antenna controlled by piezoelectric transducer}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2003}, volume={39}, number={14}, pages={1028-1030}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003905, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Gramegna, T. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optimisation of tipping curve calibration of microwave radiometer}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2003}, volume={39}, number={12}, pages={905-906}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003629, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Bidirectional beam propagation method based on the method of lines for the analysis of photonic band gap structures}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2003}, volume={35}, number={6}, pages={629-640}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Bozzetti2003488, author={Bozzetti, M. and Costantini, G. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Renna, F.}, title={Grounded dielectric slab finite size effect on patch antenna radiation patterns}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2003}, volume={39}, number={6}, pages={488-490}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003765, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Caricato, A.P. and Leggieri, G. and Martino, M.}, title={Design of praseodymium-doped optical waveguides}, journal={Optical Engineering}, year={2003}, volume={42}, number={3}, pages={765-772}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DiAlessio200370, author={Di Alessio, F.L. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Subharmonically pumped direct vector modulator}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2003}, volume={39}, number={1}, pages={70-71}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003230, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Photonic band gap filter for wavelength division multiplexer}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2003}, volume={11}, number={3}, pages={230-239}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio200347, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={All-optical amplification via the interaction among guided and leaky propagation modes in lithium niobate waveguides exploiting the cascaded second-order nonlinearity}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={2003}, volume={35}, number={1}, pages={47-68}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003161, author={D’Orazio, A. and Desario, M. and Ingravallo, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Infiltrated liquid crystal photonic bandgap devices for switching and tunable filtering}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={2003}, volume={22}, number={3}, pages={161-172}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2003855, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Palo, V. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Finite difference time domain modeling of light amplification in active photonic band gap structures-abstract}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={2003}, volume={17}, number={6}, pages={855-857}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2003231, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of Er3+/Yb3+ doped silica/titania planar waveguide amplifier}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2003}, volume={1}, pages={231-235}, art_number={1264622}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2003110, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Light amplification in active photonic band gap structures}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2003}, volume={1}, pages={110-114}, art_number={1264590}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2002430, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Tunability effects in photonic band gap structures infiltrated with liquid crystals}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2002}, volume={5036}, pages={430-436}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio20021107, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Renna, F.}, title={Compact tapered photonic bandgap microstrip lowpass filter}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2002}, volume={38}, number={19}, pages={1107-1109}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2002119, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optical amplification for communication systems}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2002}, volume={1}, pages={119-125}, art_number={1009526}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2002114, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Renna, F.}, title={Tapered photonic band gap microstrip filters}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2002}, volume={2}, pages={114}, art_number={1007867}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2002174, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Caricato, A.P. and Leggieri, G. and Martino, M.}, title={Design and fabrication of praseodymium doped optical waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2002}, volume={4645}, pages={174-182}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio2002183, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Mescia, L. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F. and Chiasera, A. and Montagna, M. and Tosello, C. and Ferrari, M.}, title={Modeling of Er3+ doped SiO2 – TiO2 planar amplifier}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2002}, volume={4645}, pages={183-192}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio20011165, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Gadaleta, V. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Meander microstrip photonic bandgap filter using a Kaiser tapering window}, journal={Electronics Letters}, year={2001}, volume={37}, number={19}, pages={1165-1167}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2001131, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Lithium niobate integrated optical devices}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2001}, volume={2001-January}, pages={131-134}, art_number={934736}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2000265, author={D’Orazio, Antonella and De Sario, Marco and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo and Prudenzano, Francesco and Sassi, Leonardo}, title={Demonstration of a Fabry-Perot active switch by the bidirectional MoL-BPM}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={265-268}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2000261, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Wavelength conversion in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides exploiting cascaded second order nonlinearity χ(2):χ(2)}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={261-264}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ciminelli2000806, author={Ciminelli, Caterina and D’Orazio, Antonella and De Sario, Marco and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo and Prudenzano, Francesco}, title={HEMT statistical modeling using Monte Carlo method combined with principal components analysis}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={2000}, volume={2}, pages={806-809}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti2000257, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={All-optical amplification in LiNbO3 waveguides via cascaded second order nonlinearity χ(2):χ(2)}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={257-260}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ciminelli2000181, author={Ciminelli, C. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={New structure for a six port reflectometer by using a five port ring}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={181-184}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio2000386, author={D’Orazio, A. and Lay-Ekuakille, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Genetic algorithm application for RASS – wind profiler data processing in remote sensing}, journal={Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={386-391}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Andria2000782, author={Andria, G. and D’Orazio, A. and Lay-Ekuakille, A. and Notarnicola, M.}, title={Modeling study in remote sensing of air pollution measured data}, journal={Conference Record – IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference}, year={2000}, volume={2}, pages={782-785}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Andria2000392, author={Andria, G. and D’orazio, A. and Lay-Ekuakille, A. and Moretti, M. and Pieri, P. and Tralli, F. and Tropeano, M.}, title={Accuracy assessment in photo interpretation of remote sensing ERS-2/SAR images}, journal={Conference Record-IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference}, year={2000}, volume={1}, pages={392-394}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Prudenzano199984, author={Prudenzano, F. and Ciminelli, C. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and De Sario, M.}, title={Performance enhancement of nonlinear lithium niobate couplers via double titanium and magnesium diffusion}, journal={Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures}, year={1999}, volume={5}, number={1}, pages={84-97}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Prudenzano1999655, author={Prudenzano, F. and Ciminelli, C. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and De Sario, M.}, title={Exact analysis of cascaded second-order nonlinearity in rotated Ti:LiNbO3 couplers}, journal={Optical and Quantum Electronics}, year={1999}, volume={31}, number={8}, pages={655-673}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Prudenzano19981399, author={Prudenzano, F. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Ciminelli, C.}, title={Design of couplers based on cascaded second-order nonlinearity taking into account hybrid propagation}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={1998}, volume={2}, pages={1399-1403}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Ciminelli19981395, author={Ciminelli, C. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and d’Alessandro, A. and Campoli, F. and Maltese, P.}, title={Design and demonstration of a vertical SSFLC coupler switch}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={1998}, volume={2}, pages={1395-1398}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio19981584, author={D’Orazio, A.}, title={Method of lines for the analysis of nonlinear phenomena due to cascaded second-order nonlinearity}, journal={IEEE Photonics Technology Letters}, year={1998}, volume={10}, number={11}, pages={1584-1586}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Ciminelli19982346, author={Ciminelli, C. and D’Orazio, A. and Sario, M.D. and Gerardi, C. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Effects of thermal annealing on the optical characteristics of K+-Na+ waveguides}, journal={Applied Optics}, year={1998}, volume={37}, number={12}, pages={2346-2356}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Alessandro1998355, author={D’Alessandro, A. and D’Orazio, A. and Campoli, F. and Petruzzelli, V. and Chessa, G. and Maltese, P.}, title={Design of an ultrashort directional coupler with an SSFLC coupling layer}, journal={Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals}, year={1998}, volume={320}, pages={355-364}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Prudenzano1997547, author={Prudenzano, F. and D’orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and De Sario, M.}, title={Comparison between the performance of Ti:LiNbO3 and H:LiNbO3 rotated optical axis waveguides – summary}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={1997}, volume={11}, number={4}, pages={547-559}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio199719, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Ficarella, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of active switches using an InxGa1-xAsyP1-y/InP heterostructure}, journal={International Journal of Optoelectronics}, year={1997}, volume={11}, number={1}, pages={19-27}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio1997369, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Ficarella, G. and Grando, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design and demonstration of interferometric integrated-optic sensors in Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides}, journal={Fiber and Integrated Optics}, year={1997}, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={369-386}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio1996674, author={D’Orazio, A. and Ficarella, G. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Optical switching in active InGaAsP/InP directional coupler}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={1996}, volume={2}, pages={674-679}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Bozzetti19961493, author={Bozzetti, M. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Experimental investigation of Ti:LiNbO3 rotated optical axis waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference – MELECON}, year={1996}, volume={3}, pages={1493-1496}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{D’Orazio1995311, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Ficarella, G. and Marchese, D. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={On the migration of guided and leaky modes in rotated optical axis birefringent waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1995}, volume={2449}, pages={311-320}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Cucurachi1995241, author={Cucurachi, S. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Mathematical refinements of excitation conditions in coupled waveguides}, journal={Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications}, year={1995}, volume={9}, number={1-2}, pages={241-265}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Castagnolo1994173, author={Castagnolo, B. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Rizzi, M.}, title={Design and simulation of optical switches on nonlinear glasses}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1994}, volume={2150}, pages={173-182}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{D’Orazio1994453, author={D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Leaky Mode Propagation in Planar Multilayer Birefringent Waveguides: Longitudinal Dielectric Tensor Configuration}, journal={Journal of Lightwave Technology}, year={1994}, volume={12}, number={3}, pages={453-462}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Cucurachi1993340, author={Cucurachi, S. and D’Orazio, A. and De Sario, M. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Design of a Ti:LiNbO3 sensor for the simultaneous measurement of stress and temperature}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1993}, volume={2101}, pages={340-347}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Castagnolo199314, author={Castagnolo, B. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Rizzi, M.}, title={Switching elements based on the spatial optical soliton propagation}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1993}, volume={1807}, pages={14-20}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSario19931565, author={De Sario, M. and D’ Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Propagation characteristics of nonlinear graded-index optical waveguides}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={1993}, volume={10}, number={9}, pages={1565-1571}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Camarda1993889, author={Camarda, P. and D’orazio, A. and Nuovo, M.M. and Matera, F. and Settembre, M.}, title={Proposal of all‐optical shuffle multihop networks with dedicated and shared channels}, journal={Microwave and Optical Technology Letters}, year={1993}, volume={6}, number={16}, pages={889-892}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Sario19921172, author={Sario, M.D. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Prudenzano, F.}, title={Leaky Mode Propagation in Planar Multi-Layer Inhomogeneous Biréfringent Waveguides: Polar Dielectric Tensor Configuration}, journal={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, year={1992}, volume={25}, number={8}, pages={1172-1181}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Desario1992535, author={Desario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Propagation of optical waves in nonlinear waveguiding structures}, journal={Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC}, year={1992}, volume={1}, pages={535-538}, art_number={672097}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{d’Alessandro1992684, author={d’Alessandro, Antonio and De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo}, title={Influence of a dielectric overlay layer on integrated optics phase modulators}, journal={6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference}, year={1992}, pages={684-687}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{d’Alessandro1991184, author={d’Alessandro, Antonio and De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo}, title={Integrated optics temperature sensor}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1991}, volume={1399}, pages={184-191}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{d’Alessandro1991313, author={d’Alessandro, Antonio and De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo}, title={Integrated optics displacement sensor}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1991}, volume={1366}, pages={313-323}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{d’Alessandro1991127, author={d’Alessandro, Antonio and De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo}, title={All-optical Ti:LiNbO3 waveguide switch}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1991}, volume={1378}, pages={127-138}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Brofferio1991288, author={Brofferio, S. and Camarda, P. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Nuovo, M.}, title={All optical multichannel multihop networks}, journal={Proceedings – Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN}, year={1991}, volume={1991-October}, pages={288-294}, art_number={208077}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeSario199038, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Coherent phase modulators on Ti-indiffused lithium niobate waveguides}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1990}, volume={1274}, pages={38-48}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{d’Alessandro1990554, author={d’Alessandro, Antonio and De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Petruzzelli, Vincenzo}, title={Design criteria of an integrated optics microdisplacement sensor}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1990}, volume={1332}, number={pt 2}, pages={554-562}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Andria1990291, author={Andria, G. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V. and Savino, M.}, title={Ti:LiNbO3 optical waveguide pressure/force sensor for measurements in robotic applications}, journal={IFAC Proceedings Series}, year={1990}, number={15}, pages={291-296}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeSario1990249, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Optical Stress Sensor Made Via Ti:LiNbO3 Coupler For Robotic Manipulation}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1990}, volume={1193}, pages={249-259}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeSario1989561, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Lanave, V. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Integrated optical demultiplexer for WDM systems}, year={1989}, pages={561-564}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSarlo19888147, author={De Sarlo, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Lanave, V.}, title={Realistic design of a WDM duplexer made from TI: LiNbO3 optical filters}, journal={Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics}, year={1988}, volume={21}, number={10 SUPPL.}, pages={8147-8149}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSario1988233, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={New propsects for integrated photonic components and modules [Nuove prospettive per i componenti e i moduli fotonici integrati]}, journal={Alta frequenza}, year={1988}, volume={57}, number={9}, pages={233-249}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Canali19883957, author={Canali, C. and De Bernardi, D. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Morasca, S.}, title={Steplike refractive-index increase induced in planar ti:Linb03 waveguides diffused in o2:H2O atmosphere}, journal={Applied Optics}, year={1988}, volume={27}, number={19}, pages={3957-3958}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSario19883, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A.}, title={Lithium Niobate in Integrated Optics – 1. Introduction and Preparation Technologies. [II NIOBATO DI LITIO NELL’OTTICA INTEGRATA. PARTE % greater than I% INTRODUZIONE E TECNOLOGIE DI PREPARAZIONE.]}, journal={Alta frequenza}, year={1988}, volume={57}, number={3}, pages={3-24}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Canali1987417, author={Canali, C. and De Bernardi, C. and De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Morasca, S.}, title={REFRACTIVE INDEX STEP INDUCED BY WET ATMOSPHERE DIFFUSION IN Ti:LiNbO//3 WAVEGUIDES.}, journal={CSELT Technical Reports}, year={1987}, volume={15}, number={6}, pages={417-419}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{DeSario1987201, author={De Sario, M. and D’Orazio, A. and Lanave, V.}, title={Design of optical mux/demux for WDM transmission systems}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={1987}, volume={701}, pages={201-208}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{DeSario1984221, author={De Sario, Marco and D’Orazio, Antonella and Perinati, Agostino and Tamburello, Mario}, title={REALISTIC DESIGN OF Ti-DIFFUSED LiNbO3 DIRECTIONAL COUPLERS.}, journal={Alta frequenza}, year={1984}, volume={53}, number={4}, pages={221-230}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Nigmatullin20192042, author={Nigmatullin, R.R. and Vorobev, A.S. and Nasybullin, A.R. and Maione, G. and Lino, P. and Grande, M.}, title={New method for calibrating a complex equipment: Creation of the confidence tube for fractal-like noise}, journal={Conference Proceedings – IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics}, year={2019}, volume={2019-October}, pages={2042-2046}, art_number={8914236}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{O’faolain201918, author={O’faolain, L. and Iadanza, S. and Bakoz, A. and Singaravelu, P. and Butler, S. and Hegarty, S. and Giannino, G. and Tedesco, A. and Grande, M.}, title={Hybrid lasers using CMOS compatible nanostructures}, journal={Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL}, year={2019}, volume={2019-September}, pages={18-21}, art_number={9019443}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Shakoor2019, author={Shakoor, A. and Grant, J. and Grande, M. and Cumming, D.R.S.}, title={Towards portable nanophotonic sensors}, journal={Sensors (Switzerland)}, year={2019}, volume={19}, number={7}, art_number={1715}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Magno2019, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Mesoscopic self-collimation: Beyond the high symmetry constraint}, journal={Proceedings 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015}, year={2019}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Shakoor20189188, author={Shakoor, A. and Cheah, B.C. and Al-Rawhani, M.A. and Grande, M. and Grant, J. and Gouveia, L.C.P. and Cumming, D.R.S.}, title={CMOS Nanophotonic Sensor with Integrated Readout System}, journal={IEEE Sensors Journal}, year={2018}, volume={18}, number={22}, pages={9188-9194}, art_number={8468006}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Iadanza2018, author={Iadanza, S. and Bakoz, A. and Panettieri, D. and Tedesco, A. and Giannino, G. and Grande, M. and Orfaolain, L.}, title={Thermally Stable External Cavity Laser Based on Silicon Nitride Periodic Nanostructures}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2018}, volume={2018-July}, art_number={8473622}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Shakoor2017, author={Shakoor, A. and Grande, M. and Grant, J. and Cumming, D.R.S.}, title={One-Dimensional Silicon Nitride Grating Refractive Index Sensor Suitable for Integration with CMOS Detectors}, journal={IEEE Photonics Journal}, year={2017}, volume={9}, number={1}, art_number={7811226}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Panettieri2016, author={Panettieri, D. and O’Faolain, L. and Grande, M.}, title={Control of Q-factor in nanobeam cavities on substrate}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2016}, volume={2016-August}, art_number={7550638}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Magno2016, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Dagens, B. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Full optical confinement in 1D Mesoscopic Photonic Crystal-based microcavities: A preliminary experimental demonstration}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2016}, volume={2016-August}, art_number={7550433}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Scalora20152129, author={Scalora, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Cojocaru, C.M. and Grande, M. and Haus, J.W.}, title={Nonlinear Duffing oscillator model for third harmonic generation}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2015}, volume={32}, number={10}, pages={2129-2138}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Magno2015, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Mesoscopic self-collimation: Beyond the high symmetry constraint}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2015}, page_count={1}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno20144223, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Stable planar mesoscopic photonic crystal cavities}, journal={Optics Letters}, year={2014}, volume={39}, number={14}, pages={4223-4226}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Magno2014355, author={Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Monmayrant, A. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Controlled reflectivities in self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystal}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2014}, volume={31}, number={2}, pages={355-359}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Magno2014, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Calo, G. and Petruzelli, V. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O.}, title={Self-collimation in mesoscopic photonic crystals: From reflectivity management to stable planar cavities}, journal={International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks}, year={2014}, art_number={6876561}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Magno2014, author={Magno, G. and Monmayrant, A. and Grande, M. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Stable planar microcavities based on mesoscopic photonic crystals}, journal={Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering}, year={2014}, volume={8988}, art_number={89881G}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Monmayrant2013, author={Monmayrant, A. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Calò, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Multifunctionnal self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystals}, journal={Optics InfoBase Conference Papers}, year={2013}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Scalora20132634, author={Scalora, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and Haus, J.W.}, title={Spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering near metal nanostructures in the ultrafast, high-intensity regime}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2013}, volume={30}, number={10}, pages={2634-2639}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Calò2013567, author={Calò, G. and Grande, M. and Alexandropoulos, D. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Photonic band gap active waveguide filters based on dilute nitrides}, journal={Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics}, year={2013}, volume={10}, number={4}, pages={567-572}, url={}, }
@CONFERENCE{Monmayrant2013, author={Monmayrant, A. and Lozes-Dupuy, F. and Gauthier-Lafaye, O. and Magno, G. and Grande, M. and Calo, G. and Petruzzelli, V.}, title={Multifunctionnal self-collimating mesoscopic photonic crystals}, journal={2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013}, year={2013}, art_number={6801403}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Scalora20122035, author={Scalora, M. and Vincenti, M.A. and De Ceglia, D. and Grande, M. and Haus, J.W.}, title={Raman scattering near metal nanostructures}, journal={Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics}, year={2012}, volume={29}, number={8}, pages={2035-2045}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Pisanello2012319, author={Pisanello, F. and Martiradonna, L. and Qualtieri, A. and Stomeo, T. and Grande, M. and Pompa, P.P. and Cingolani, R. and Bramati, A. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={Silicon nitride PhC nanocavities as versatile platform for visible spectral range devices}, journal={Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications}, year={2012}, volume={10}, number={3}, pages={319-324}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Qualtieri20101435, author={Qualtieri, A. and Pisanello, F. and Grande, M. and Stomeo, T. and Martiradonna, L. and Epifani, G. and Fiore, A. and Passaseo, A. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={Emission control of colloidal nanocrystals embedded in Si3N4 photonic crystal H1 nanocavities}, journal={Microelectronic Engineering}, year={2010}, volume={87}, number={5-8}, pages={1435-1438}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Giordano200975, author={Giordano, C. and Ingrosso, I. and Grande, M. and Qualtieri, A. and Pugliese, M. and Todaro, M.T. and Tasco, V. and De Vittorio, M. and Passaseo, A.}, title={Bending analysis in AlN-based multilayered piezoelectric cantilevers}, journal={Ferroelectrics}, year={2009}, volume={389}, number={1 PART 1}, pages={75-82}, url={}, }
@ARTICLE{Massaro200716484, author={Massaro, A. and Grande, M. and Cingolani, R. and Passaseo, A. and De Vittorio, M.}, title={Design and modeling of tapered waveguide for photonic crystal slab coupling by using time-domain Hertzian potentials formulation}, journal={Optics Express}, year={2007}, volume={15}, number={25}, pages={16484-16499}, url={}, }